Medicare cost changes for 2019

Each year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) adjusts the premiums and out-of-pocket expenses for Medicare beneficiaries. Below is a summary of the 2019 costs.

  • Most people don’t have to pay a premium for Part A, however, those that do will generally have to pay $437 per month (up from $422). 
  • Most people will have to pay a premium for Part B. The standard Part B premium is $135.50 per month (up from $134), however, high income earners may have to pay as much as $460.50 per month. 
Deductibles and Out-of-Pocket Expenses
  • The Part A deductible is $1,364 (up from $1,340). Part A covers hospitalizations and inpatient care. After the deductible, there are additional out-of-pocket costs:
    • Days 1-60 hospitalized: $0 daily copay (same as 2018)
    • Days 61-90 hospitalized: $341 daily copay (up from $335)
    • Days 91 and beyond hospitalized: $682 daily copay (up from $670)
    • Days 21-100 in a skilled nursing facility: $170.50 daily copay (up from $167.50) 
  • The Part B deductible is $185 (up from $183), and then expenses covered by Part B are generally paid by Medicare at 80%. Part B covers office visits and outpatient expenses. 

For additional information on Medicare premiums and expenses, please visit the Medicare website

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