Are health screenings free once you’re over the age of 50?

I have health insurance, I’m 52 and I was billed for my last colonoscopy.

Are health screenings free once you’re over the age of 50? I have health insurance, I’m 52 and I was billed for my last colonoscopy.


All ACA plans have built in benefits including colorectal cancer screening for adults over 50.

If you received your colonoscopy from an in-network physician, it should have been included in your plan.  

All health insurance plans regulated by the Affordable Care Act, by law must provide patients with preventive services such as vaccinations and routine screenings—without charging you a copayment or coinsurance. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible.

Please keep in mind these services must be performed by a doctor or other provider in your plan’s network.   If you are unsure if a doctor or hospital you plan to visit in the future is covered in network or not click here.  

Complete list of preventative care benefits and services for adults (services vary for women and children):

  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm one-time screening for men of specified ages who have ever smoked
  • Alcohol misuse screening and counseling
  • Aspirin use to prevent cardiovascular disease for men and women of certain ages
  • Blood pressure screening
  • Cholesterol screening for adults of certain ages or at higher risk
  • Colorectal cancer screening for adults over 50
  • Depression screening
  • Diabetes (Type 2) screening for adults with high blood pressure
  • Diet counseling for adults at higher risk for chronic disease
  • Hepatitis B screening
  • Hepatitis C screening for adults at increased risk, and one time for everyone born 1945 – 1965
  • HIV screening for everyone ages 15 to 65, and other ages at increased risk
  • Immunization vaccines for adults—doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary:
    • Diphtheria
    • Hepatitis A
    • Hepatitis B
    • Herpes Zoster
    • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
    • Influenza (flu shot)
    • Measles
    • Meningococcal
    • Mumps
    • Pertussis
    • Pneumococcal
    • Rubella
    • Tetanus
    • Varicella (Chickenpox)
    • Lung cancer screening
    • Obesity screening and counseling
    • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention counseling for adults at higher risk
    • Syphilis screening for adults at higher risk
    • Tobacco Use screening for all adults and cessation interventions for tobacco users

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