Medicare Blogs

Learn how working with us can benefit you.


HSA – Medicare Premiums

Many people ask if they can still have a Health Savings Account (HSA) after they turn 65 and enroll in Medicare
(or qualify for


MSP Requirements: Offering Incentives

Employers often wonder if they can pay or reimburse employees for Medicare premiums if they waive coverage
under the employer-sponsored group health plan. This


The Great Unwinding

The Great Unwinding is the undoing of several health coverage requirements that were implemented by legislation, regulation, and executive order because of COVID-19. The following


Individual Market Commissions

The CMS recently issued guidance on broker compensation for the sale of plans in the individual health insurance market. Here’s what you need to know.


2022 PCORI Story

Created by the Affordable Care Act, the goal of PCORI is to help patients and those who care for them make better-informed decisions about healthcare


Telemedicine and HSAs

Everything you need to know about the new law permitting telemedicine coverage until December 2022, and what it means for your HSA eligibility.


Lifestyle Spending Accounts

Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs) have become one of the hottest new employee benefit programs. Here’s what you need to know.


Medicare Enrollment Changes

In case you missed it: new Medicare rules have been proposed. These rules will change how effective dates are assigned and give new special enrollment


A Fix to the Family Glitch

The family glitch was created by a provision of the ACA that deals with premium subsidy eligibility — and that lowballs the cost of covering